Looking for an adventurous, heartwarming and hilarious movie? Then this is it! This awesome movie is amazing and a deeper meaning to it as it teaches us about how good luck and bad luck are both equally important!

This adventurous, heartwarming and hilarious movie is about a girl named Sam Greenfield who is supposedly the most unlucky person on the planet meets a very lucky black cat who she follows into the Land of Luck to get a lucky penny for her friend Hazel. This movie has a deeper meaning that there is nothing as a perfect life, the characters learn that good and both bad luck were needed to keep the world balanced because good luck is pleasant but bad luck helps you learn how to overcome challenges. I really liked this movie because it was really entertaining and funny and it also had a deeper meaning which was really cool. I would recommend this movie for all ages and give it a 4.5 out of 5. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!