Want an unputdownable, adventurous, remarkable, astounding and also hilarious series? Then you should try the Percy Jackson series! This book is one of the best series I've ever read!

This tremendous, adventurous, hilarious, breathtaking and renowned series is a must read! This awesome book is based on Greek mythology about a 12 year old boy named Percy Jackson who is just a normal boy in Manhattan, New York who never got to meet his father because he went away shortly after Percy was born and lives with his mom and stinky stepdad. One day goes to the museum on a school field trip and his math teacher turns into a monster and tries to kill him and he accidentally vaporizes her. This is the point when things get different, Percy finds out that he is a demigod or half-blooded or basically that his dad is a Greek god (I won’t tell you which god) and all things aren’t what they seemed. This series is full of plot-twists, suspense, humor and adventure! If you really love this series like me then you should read the next amazing series which is The Heroes of Olympus. You must have heard or watched the 2 movies of the Percy Jackson books 1 and 2 but personally I would say that the movies were nothing like the books at all and not that good either, they totally made up a new story with the characters, so if you were wanting to watch the movies because of the books, they totally don’t resemble each other at all. But I’ve heard that Disney is making a new series about Percy Jackson books, hopefully that series is like the books! One really unique and cool thing about the Percy Jackson books are that there a prophesies that are revealed before every time they go on a quest, so the cool thing about this is that the reader can keep guessing how the story might turn out according to the little riddle like clues that the prophesies give and usually the prophesies turn out a way different way than you would think! This series has been a page-turner and an unputdownable book! I would consider this fantastic series for readers of age 10+ and for readers who love reading fantasy! I would give this series a 5 out of 5!! Hope you enjoy and adore this amazing series as much as I did!
#PercyJackson #Percy #RickRiordan #thelightningthief #theseaofmonsters #thetitanscurse #thebattleofthelabyrinth #thelastolympian #greekmythology #AnnabethChase #Annabeth #Rick #Riordan