Have you read the Percy Jackson series? Then you can find out how the books are! Or do you just want to find a movie to watch? Whichever one, come on it and see if you want to watch this movie or not!

This good 2 movie series is based on the first 2 books of the renowned book series, named (as you can guess) Percy Jackson! If you want to know more about the tremendas book series go to my blog post about the Percy Jackson series. If you have read this series already then you will find out how the movies came out. Anyways I really liked these movies as watching them as normal movies without comparing it with the books, but as a person who has read the books and adored them, when I compare it with the books, the movie’s and book’s plot lines don’t resemble each other at all and the movies weren’t as good as the books but, I still had a fun time watching them! So, if you are watching these movies just because you read the books and they were awesome, then I wouldn’t recommend it for you, but watch it just for fun if you want and for the Percy Jackson fans Disney is making a tv series on Percy Jackson and hopefully they resemble the books more then the movies did! I would recommend these movies for anyone who wants to watch it just for fun but, if you enjoy the movies, then make sure to give the books a try too! I would consider these movies for ages 9 or up or younger if you have parent permission. I would give these movies a 3/10. Hope you enjoy the movies!!
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